Friday, March 22, 2013

The quest for health

Wouldn't it be awesome if we came with an instruction manual that had all the answers to keeping us healthy and living long? Unfortunately, no one has written the complete version of that. So what's a girl with a chronic illness to do? Truth is, there is no perfect answer to that. But my inner control freak isn't ok with that "sit back and do nothing" plan. 

It's rather funny that I never knew I was such a control freak before I lost control to cancer. I guess we always learn more about ourselves every day. Anywho, I digress. So what can I do about this cancer thing? Well, first off, I'm going the conventional medicine route. I took my third chemo treatment yesterday and am currently praying for sinus issues and nosebleeds as this will be an indication of which arm of the clinical study I am in. It feels good emotionally to be in treatment. It feels like I am doing something to fight these tumors back. 

But it's not enough. I have totally revamped my diet. I've been doing a lot of research and have tried to focus 80 percent of my diet around plant based, clean eating. It was weird at first but it's definitely feeling good. Aside from the chemo side effects I feel healthier. I feel leaner and stronger. That's kind of cool. My new favorite additikn to my day is my breakfast, I start each day off with a fruit and veggie smoothie. This morning was blue berries, black berries, apple, almonds, spinach, asparagus and kale with a dash of cinnamon. I'm hooked. I'm just short of a month into my smoothies and I love them! 

I am just hoping to help my body along. I am also focusing on keepingy stress levels down and relaxing my body. I do believe stress fueled my condition. Hurricane Sandy anyone? Something tells me it's no coincidence that my cancer professed aggressively after that craziness! So what am I doing there? I take time every day to relax, meditate and pray. Gotta heal that soul if I'm gonna heal the bod. I don't know if any of what I am doing is going to help my prognosis but it won't hurt. And in the meantime, it helps me to feel more well. And I guess that's the best anyone can ask for.

One more quick thing. I hope she doesn't mind me announcing it, but I'm so happy I want to shout it from the roof... Since I am afraid of heights this will do instead! Mom had her follow up and got the results this week! No sign of cancer!!! Halleluiah! Thank you God for answering our prayer!! Yippee! Please keep her well and blessed. Amen!

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